Welcome to our Ban Portal!

View current and previous bans from our website, and submit appeal if you were banned unfairly.

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Total Perma-Bans


Total Temp-Bans


Total Bans


Appeals Submitted

Recently Temp Banned

Users who have been temporarily banned on our servers.

Server Name Reason Duration Expiry
Xeno DarkRP Dak remover tool and blackjack table 2 Days Expired
Xeno DarkRP Smackington Mass RDM 0 Seconds Expired
Xeno DarkRP Watson Herbusch Mass RDM (propblocking, NTRP) 0 Seconds Expired
Xeno DarkRP RainbowSalt69 Repeated RDM 0 Seconds Expired
Xeno DarkRP Bilirubin Attempted MRDM | Extended for Askio (eboy cringer) 0 Seconds Expired

Recently Permanently Banned

Users who have been permanently banned on our servers.

Server Name Reason Issued
Xeno DarkRP Dudeman Rebanned for death threat, to allow appeal 2023-04-04 03:23:26
Xeno DarkRP Rainbowsalt69420 Ban Evasion 2023-01-10 03:19:03
Xeno DarkRP Jeyyll cheating 2023-01-08 23:58:22
Xeno DarkRP < ‎ > Cheating | Mass RDM 2023-01-04 05:56:00
Xeno DarkRP George Butt Cheating | Mass RDM | Racism 2023-01-04 05:48:44